Well at last he did it, 'dithering Darling' at last went into action. After halting the property market in its tracks by his 'will he? won't he?' scenario, he has at last chosen to take off stamp duty for a year on houses below £175,000. But, will it make a difference?It may indeed make a difference to the market but we suspect not the way the Government intended. First time buyers still lack the confidence in the market, they after all, have a different mindset from investors. Their goal is to buy a home, one that is within their budget. For them investment, or the fact that the housing market will improve and the prices will rise, is not as important as getting the right finance.That is the crux of the matter at the moment - finance. Many first time buyers or those with a less than a squeaky clean record are finding it difficult to get lenders to lend.Investors on the other hand are poised to dash in for the kill! Investors have a different perspective, for them it is the price, the yield and the eventual remortgage possibilities which drive them. Prices at the moment have fallen, fantastic time to buy. Products from mortgage lenders are coming back on the market.And now, no stamp duty for a part of the market where investors buy heavily.But it won't last forever.Go out and make hay now - because the market will change before long.Join the Hampshire Property Club now and get access to masses of information, news, views and meet the experts!
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