Friday, February 27, 2009
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Foreign Exchange Market
The foreign exchange (currency or FX) market is where currency trading takes place. FX transactions typically involve one party purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for paying a quantity of another. The foreign exchange market that we see today started evolving during the 1970s when worldover countries gradually switched to floating exchange rate from their erstwhile exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system till 1971.Today, the FX market is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, corporations, governments, and other institutions. The average daily volume in the global foreign exchange and related markets is continuously growing. Traditional daily turnover was reported to be over US$3.2 trillion in April 2007 by the Bank for International Settlements.[1] Since then, the market has continued to grow. According to Euromoney's annual FX Poll, volumes grew a further 41% between 2007 and 2008.[2]The purpose of FX market is to facilitate trade and investment. The need for a foreign exchange market arises because of the presence of multifarious international currencies such as US Dollar, Pound Sterling, etc., and the need for trading in such currencies.
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Bank of Canada Pushes Rates Towards Zero
Canada has been experiencing a lot of trouble with exports and general economic conditions in the country deteriorating. I have no doubt that within two months they will have an interest rate of 25 basis points or lower. Interest rates hitting zero is just a reality now for countries around the globe. The rabbit hole goes so deep, that no one really knows where it ends. Central banks are just reacting during each meeting with a look at trends and facing the reality that they don’t know where the end of the line is.
Numerous politicians in the US have said this is a crisis on confidence, and while most of us might laugh at that, it is true to an extent. I wouldn’t say that we are in a “mental recession”, however, how it this has been approached has a lot to do with the spreading crisis. As businesses and people get nervous and stop spending, the cycle just starts over. Governments are paranoid because there really isn’t a way to communicate with people without committing political suicide.
Most of the governments around the world have been slow to react as the global economy turned down, and they have reacted rashly and without enough thought when they finally did act.
The world is to the point where the officials that are responsible for economic policy have to stop playing shell games. They need to just admit that there are problems with the system and that some real purging must be done. It is inevitable. The truth is that all these central banks should have done 3 or 4 percent rate cuts a few months ago, and given the system a real shock that was fast and hard instead of waiting to see how bad the damage was going to be. Generally, I don’t support actions like that, I think it is smarter to be more cautious. However, we are facing the implosion of some very dangerous games that have taken place throughout the global economy. It is all interconnected more than ever, so everyone is affected. It’s not that anything like this has never happened before, it’s just that this is the biggest.
The global reality is interest rates have to be at almost zero before any type of recovery is going to be seen. Interest rates are not the only key, but they are an important part of the equation.
US Stimulus Package Passes
The stimulus package is only like a shot in the arm for the US economy. While the shot will help, it doesn’t solve the problems that created the illness.
It’s time to address the “irrational exuberance” that brought on this current credit mess. The government has it right by focusing on jobs and infrastructure, but this is the third swing in a series of billion dollar swings.
The first swing was the infamous “stimulus checks”, which turned out to be a total waste of money and useless extension of debt. The second swing was over 700 billion dollars aimed at shoring up banks, yet banks are failing left and right.
Speaking of Dollars
Before this huge hole in the economy happened, we were exporting a record amount of dollars. Oil prices were at an all time high and money was flowing out of the country in huge waves. Not to mention all those chinese products at walmart.
Does anyone wonder if perhaps we just exported so much money that it created this void which the goverment is now madly trying to fill?
This mess has been attributted to a credit freeze. While it’s obvious that America has been living on too much credit, it’s hard to believe that the economy can reverse course so hard on credit alone.
This is all just food for thought. Right now, the government is trying to ride in and convince us all that we absolutely must spend all this money to save the system. Not to mention, they want us to go for that, without really questioning how it happened in the first place.
What do you think is the real cause of this mess? Any suggestions on the solution? We know what solution we are getting, but is it the right one?
Top 10 Things A Forex Trader Must Learn
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Day Trading The Dow Emini Contract
I have been approached by many people wanting to get into day trading. I would say 95% of the people I talk to do not have the funds available to meet the day trading requirements. A minimum account of $25,000 is required at most brokerages.There is a way for someone to experience day trading without having to come up with a large amount of cash. E-Mini future trading allows you to trade with amounts as low as $1,000. Most firms though require you to have at least $2500 to fund the account. I would really recommend $3,000 to start to give yourself enough cushion.
Do You Really Need To Be Thinking About Investing
The answer to this question is the same for every person yes. Unless you have guaranteed access to an unlimited supply of funds, then you will undoubtedly need to apply some investing strategies at some point in your life in order to ensure yourfinancial stability and well being throughout your lifetime. The fact is that we cannot predict the future, but we can help to prepare for it financially.
First, most investing experts will recommend that you have more than one kind of investment those that you can touch and those that you cant. For example, many experts recommend that you have a savings account that is easily accessible in an emergency and that is funded with the equivalent of a minimum of three months worth of expenses. Some argue that this amount should be set at six months worth of expenses. That way if you or your spouse were to lose your job, become injured, or experience some other kind of emergency, you would have access to enough funds to carry you through that difficult time.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Scope Of Real Estate Business
And Also Which City has a lot of Scope In Real Estate Business
Friday, February 13, 2009


Real Estate Quick Sale Project



Real Estate Agent Fine Challenges In Market

But shortly after passing her exam last April, the mother of two realized selling houses in a slow South Carolina real estate market would be tougher than she thought.
With mortgage costs high and inventory even higher, prospective buyers were difficult to find, and thinking of new people she met as potential clients made her uncomfortable.
With no current listings and no home sales credited to her name, Julius, 58, said she probably won’t renew her license when it expires.
“I think if the market had been flush and I got swept away, I could have gotten beyond this point,” she said.
More real estate agents such as Julius are questioning their career path as slower home sales make it harder to earn a living.
Hundreds of would-be real estate moguls jumped into the business amid the housing boom, enticed by the idea of making hefty commissions after a few weeks of training.
But now, some are opting to get out, while some in the industry are calling for stricter licensing standards.
“You see a situation where it starts taking more effort and more energy to make a sale,” said David Wertan, a mortgage broker associate with Re/Max Professional Realty. “Not a lot of people are just willing to do that, and they start getting out of the business once they see that it’s not as easy as it was. It’s happening now in droves.”
In the past few years, the pool of seasoned agents has been flooded with newcomers, and not only in Charleston. Four years ago, 12,399 agents were licensed to sell real estate in South Carolina. Since then, their ranks have jumped 64 percent to 20,343 in 2006.
The result: Competition has heated up among the new and experienced agents who are looking to stay in the game. With far fewer people applying for South Carolina mortgage loans, it’s become more difficult to sell enough properties a year to earn a living.
Of the 3,856 agents who sold at least one home in 2006, fewer than a third of them sold more than eight properties. By conservative estimates, a full-time agent needs to make a minimum of eight mid-range deals a year to earn a living. In 2003, about 42 percent had at least eight sales.
Also, although the area’s housing prices haven’t yet tumbled, properties are taking a lot longer to sell, which slows the flow of commissions and puts more pressure on incomes.
The average number of days on market has slipped from a low of 52 days, set in November 2005, to 89 days in January. So not only are there fewer buyers, they are increasingly choosy.
Veteran real estate agent say that, although selling real estate looks like it would be easy, newcomers sometimes don’t understand how much time and effort it takes to earn listings and commissions.

Real Estate Of Banawa

FINANCING SCHEME:Reservation Fee: Php 20,000.00 good for 30 days (non-refundable; non transferable)IN HOUSE FINANCING:Down payment (30%)- Php 892,500.00 payable in 12 months;Balance(70%) payable for 1 year @ 16% interest ; 2 years @ 18% interest
House Features :94 sqm floor area45 sqm lot area3 bedrooms2 toilet and bathterraceliving roomdining roomkitchenlaundry AreaCar Garage
Subdivision Features :Entrance FenceConcrete RoadUnderground Drainageelectrical Lineswater Lines
Hilton Tower Residences Cebu Condominium

Cebu’s most prestigious address tickles you pink with its 1, 2 & 3 bedroom and Penthouse units. Owning a residential unit in the Hilton Cebu Resort & Towers complex is a sweet deal loaded with 5-Star luxury:
The Residences I & II Amenities
* 2 passenger and 1 service elevators* Provisions for telephone and broadband lines* Interphone from reception to units* Provisions for cable TV* Provisions for split type air-conditioning
Privileges of Condominium Residents
* VIP service at all the resort’s F&B outlets and the Spa* 35% discount on published rack rate of the hotel* 20% discount on F&B outlets of the hotel* 20% discount on published rack rate on rental of ballroom, function & meeting rooms, business center and health club (excluding any F&B)* Free use of the beach and swimming pool areas
Real Estate City Lights Cebu

Type 2 Two bedroom unit, 107 sq.mType 3: Three bedroom unit, 139 sq.mType 3A: Three bedroom unit, 138 sq.m
Real Estate Basic Concept And Definations

Real estate is land and any additions and improvements, such as buildings, sewers, sidewalks, and anything else considered to be permanently attached to the land. This is yet another reason why real estate doesn’t extend into space, as some textbooks on the subject claim, because space isn’t attached to it. As the earth rotates, and revolves about the sun, which in turn is revolving around the center of the galaxy, and so on, the space over real estate is always changing. The citizens of Alpha Centauri can breathe easier, knowing that you will never press any of your claims against them because they happened to be in “your” particular sector of space that happens to be over your land at that moment.And there are problems with claiming ownership beneath the surface of your land. Do you own the oil down below, for instance? Technically you do, but oil has 2 characteristics that might make it difficult for you to retain ownership. It is liquid, and usually extends over a large area, crossing many real estate boundaries. If your neighbor, who might be miles away and where the oil might be closer to the surface, drills a well and starts pumping it out, the oil will start to flow from under your land to under his.Thus, there are practical, technical, and legal limitations to real estate ownership. The reality is real estate is basically the surface, anything permanently attached to it, anything that can be extracted from the surface, and certain air rights.
Real Estate Agency

Real Estate Encumbrances

Real Estate Title

Voluntary AlienationVoluntary alienation is the legal term for the voluntary conveyance of title. If the owner of the real estate is still alive, then the conveyance is achieved by executing a deed to convey title; otherwise, title is conveyed through a will, and will be subject to probate.Involuntary AlienationInvoluntary alienation is the transfer of real estate by law and without the owner’s consent. There are 4 methods by which this is accomplished: foreclosure, eminent domain, adverse possession, and by escheat.
ForeclosureForeclosure is the legal process by which a property is sold to satisfy a debt, usually a debt by which the property was purchased. In most cases, the property is sold by the lender to pay off the mortgage on the property.
Eminent DomainSometimes the government or one of its agencies, or a public utility or other private enterprise, takes property by exercising its power of eminent domain, which is the right of the entity to acquire property, through the process of condemnation, to use for a public purpose, such as building a road or a school. The owner of the property is paid the fair market value for the taking.
Adverse Possession
Adverse possession is the claim on a property by someone who has occupied the property for a number of years. To be successful, the adverse possessor must have occupied the land continuously for at least the number of years required by state law for a successful claim.
If a landowner dies without a will and without legal heirs, then the property reverts to the state through escheat. However, if a landowner has relatives and dies intestate (without a will), then his property will be distributed to the relatives according to the state’s statute of descent and distribution. The spouse or children will receive the bulk of the estate, or, if the property owner had no spouse or children, then the property will be distributed to other relatives. Most states give higher priority to next of kin.