Thursday, May 7, 2009

demo of forex tradings

When you said long for EUR/USD currency pair mean you are buying the EUR and selling the USD. In the event, the exchange rate goes up let say from 1.5720 to 1.5760, this trade becomes profitable, unfortunately, if the exchange rate goes down, this trade becomes a losing one.

On the other hand, if you said short to the currency pair EUR/USD, you are selling the EUR currency and buying the USD. Let say the exchange rate from 1.5720 to 1.5700 this trade becomes profitable. If the rate goes up, this becomes a losing one.

At all time, we are focused on whether a certain currency pair will go up or down, If we anticipate that the currency will go up, we conduct a long trade ( Buy ), if our anticipation tells us that it is likely to be go down, we conduct a short trade ( Sell ).

Regardless of long trade or short trade, the first listed currency is always the base currency. For example, in the GBP/JPY currency pair, if we enter a long trade ( buy ) we are buying GBP and selling JPY.

Forex Glossery Term-3
Offer See ask.Open position Any transaction that has not been closed out by a corresponding opposite transaction.Pip The smallest unit of trading in a foreign currency price.Premium The price an option buyer pays for the option, not including commissions.Put A put option gives the option buyer the right to sell a particular currency pair at a stated exchange rate.Quote currency The second currency in a currency pair is referred to as the quote currency. For example, in a USD/JPY currency pair, the Japanese yen is the quote currency. Also referred to as the secondary currency or the counter currency.Rollover The process of extending the settlement date on an open position by rolling it over to the next settlement date.Retail customer Any party to a forex trade who is not an eligible contract participant as defined under the Commodity Exchange Act. This includes individuals with assets of less than $10 million and most small businesses.Security deposit The amount of money needed to open or maintain a position. Also known as 'margin'.Settlement The actual delivery of currencies made on the maturity date of a trade.Spot market A market of immediate delivery of and payment for the product, in this case, currency.Spot transaction A true spot transaction is a transaction requiring prompt delivery of and full payment for the currency. In the interbank market, spot transactions are usually settled in two business days. This term may also be used to refer to transactions that the parties expect to offset or roll over within two business days, but these transactions are not true spot transactions and are governed by the federal Commodity Exchange Act.Spread The point or pip difference between the ask and bid price of a currency pair.Sterling Another term for British currency, the pound.Strike price The exchange rate at which the buyer of a call has the right to purchase a specific currency pair or at which the buyer of a put has the right to sell a specific currency pair. Also known as the 'exercise price'.

Forex Glossery Term-2
Euro The common currency adopted by eleven European nations (i.e., Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) on January 1, 1999.European-style option An option contract that can be exercised only on or near its expiration date.Expiration This is the last day on which an option may either be exercised or offset.Forward transaction A true forward transaction is an agreement that expects actual delivery of and full payment for the currency to occur on a future date. This term may also be used to refer to transactions that the parties expect to offset at some time in the future, but these transactions are not true forward transactions and are governed by the federal Commodity Exchange Act.Interbank market A loose network of currency transactions negotiated between financial institutions and other large companies.Leverage The ability to control large dollar amount of a commodity with a comparatively small amount of capital. Also known as 'gearing'.Margin See Security Deposit

Forex Glossery Term-1
American-style option An option contract that may be exercised at any time before it expires.Ask The quoted price at which a customer can buy a currency pair. Also referred to as the 'offer', 'ask price', or 'ask rate'.Base Currency For foreign exchange trading, currencies are quoted in terms of a currency pair. The first currency in the pair is the base currency. For example, in a USD/JPY currency pair, the US dollar is the base currency. Also may be referred to as the primary currency.Bid The quoted price where a customer can sell a currency pair. Also known as the 'bid price' or 'bid rate'.Bid/Ask Spread The point difference between the bid and ask (offer) price.Call A call option gives the option buyer the right to purchase a particular currency pair at a stated exchange rate.Counterparty The counterparty is the person who is on the other side of an OTC trade. For retail customers, the dealer will always be the counterparty.Cross-rate The exchange rate between two currencies where neither of the currencies are the US dollar.Currency pair The two currencies that make up a foreign exchange rate. For example, USD/YEN is a currency pair.Dealer A firm in the business of acting as a counterparty to foreign currency transactions.

About CMFX Forex
CMS Forex was founded by professional Forex traders, Forex brokers, and software developers, and as a result has been able to identify traders’ needs from the very beginning. Since 1999, CMS Forex’s mission has been to provide the most powerful currency trading technology combined with quality execution, comparative services and dependable customer service. Over the past seven years, CMS Forex has quickly become one of the world’s leading online retail currency trading institutions, providing secure, user-friendly Forex trading software.CMS Forex is positioned as an industry leader in the Forex marketplace and continues its growth while striving to provide its clients the best trading environment. Based out of New York, CMS Forex and its affiliates now have offices in Boston, Tokyo, Bermuda, Saint Petersburg, and Shanghai. Bermuda’s Capital Market Services International and CMS Japan were created to strengthen global reach and better cater to our international clients.CMS Forex strives to serve both the retail and institutional segment of the Forex community. Its commitment to providing innovative currency trading technology, fair dealing practices, and excellent customer service establishes CMS Forex as a major force that traders look to for advanced Forex charting, up-to-date Forex news, and informative Forex education.CMS Forex’s affiliates in New York, Saint Petersburg, and Shanghai are dedicated to going above and beyond to meet clients’ needs, by creating and constantly improving upon the already sophisticated and user-friendly trading software, VT Trader™. These attributes, plus many others, prove that CMS Forex has built from the ground up a service that truly stands on its own.

About Forex is a division of GAIN Capital Group, LLC, one of the most respected online forex trading firms in the industry. The company's flagship service, GAIN Capital, is used by institutional investors, professional money managers and experienced day traders from over 140 countries. GAIN Capital Group is pleased to offer individual investors access to its award-winning trading platform and professional-level services via is a registered Futures Commission Merchant (NFA ID #0339826) and a member of the National Futures Association. As an FCM, is regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), must uphold the highest standards and business practices and is subject to strict financial requirements and reporting.

Forex for Dummies
Forex for DummiesForex BasicsIf you've already read the "What is Forex?" section then you should know what Forex market is and what it is all about. If not, please, do it. There are five essential aspects of foreign currency market a beginner trader (and an old one as well) should be aware of:Forex Fundamental Analysis Forex Technical Analysis Money Management Forex Trading Psychology Forex Brokerage Understanding and mastering these sides of trading are crucial to organize your Forex trading experience.Forex Fundamental AnalysisFundamental analysis is the process of market analysis which is done regarding only "real" events and macroeconomic data which is related to the traded currencies. Fundamental analysis is used not only in Forex but can be a part of any financial planning or forecasting. Concepts that are part of Forex fundamental analysis: overnight interest rates, central banks meetings and decisions, any macroeconomic news, global industrial, economical, political and weather news. Fundamental analysis is the most natural way of making Forex market forecasts. In theory, it alone should work perfectly, but in practice it is often used in pair with technical analysis. Recommended e-books on Forex fundamental analysis:Reminiscences of a Stock Operator What Moves the Currency Market?Forex Technical AnalysisTechnical analysis is the process of market analysis that relies only on market data numbers - quotes, charts, simple and complex indicators, volume of supply and demand, past market data, etc. The main idea behind Forex technical analysis is the postulate of functional dependence of the future market technical data on the past market technical data. As well as with fundamental analysis, technical analysis is believed to be self-sufficient and you can use only it to successfully trade Forex. In practice, both analysis methods are used. Recommended e-books on Forex fundamental analysis are:The Law Of Charts Candlesticks For Support And Resistance Trend DeterminationMoney Management in ForexEven if you master every possible method of market analysis and will make very accurate predictions for future Forex market behavior, you won't make any money without a proper money management strategy. Money management in Forex (as well as in other financial markets) is a complex set of rules which you develop to fit your own trading style and amount of money you have for trading. Money management play very important role in getting profits out of Forex; do not underestimate it. To get more information on money management you can read these books:Risk Control and Money Management Money Management (A chapter from The Mathematics of Gambling)Forex Trading PsychologyWhile learning a lot about market analysis and money management is an obvious and necessary step to be a successful Forex traders, you also need to master your emotions to keep your trading performance under strict control of mind and intuition. Controlling your emotions in Forex trading is often a balancing between greed and cautiousness. Almost any known psychology practices and techniques can work for Forex traders to help them keep to their trading strategies rather to their spontaneous emotions. Problems you'll have to deal while being a professional Forex trader:Your greed Overtrading Lack of discipline Lack of confidence Blind following others' forecasts These are very professional books on psychology written specially for financial traders:Calming The Mind So That Body Can Perform Emotion Free Trading The Miracle of DisciplineForex BrokerageEvery Forex trader like any other professional needs tools to trade. One of these tools, which is vital to be in market, is a Forex broker and specifically for Internet - on-line Forex broker - a company which will provide real-time market information to trader and bring his orders to Forex market. While choosing a right Forex broker things to look for are the following:Being a professional company you can trust Provide you with real-time quotes Execute your orders fast and accurately Don't take a lot of commissions Support the withdraw/deposit methods that you can use For beginning Forex traders I recommend these four brokerage companies that are probably the best Forex brokers to start with:FXOpen — one of the most popular and progressive brokers with MetaTrader platform and comfortable trading conditions for all kind of traders. InstaForex — a reputable MetaTrader 4 brokers, allows Islamic Forex trading accounts, while you can deposit and withdraw money via WebMoney. FXcast — good because you can start trading Forex with as little as 10$, use MetaTrader 4 platform and the dozoen of various deposit and withdraw methods, including WebMoney, e-Bullion and wire transfer. LiteForex — broker that supports MetaTrader 4 Forex trading platform and doesn't require a lot of money to start with.

Australia, New Zealand to Lower Rates
I won't lie; the Forex Blog is admittedly Dollar-centric, in that developments in forex markets are usually assessed relative to their projected impact on the US Dollar. Sometimes, we forget that their are other currency pairs that move irrespective of the Dollar. Take the Australian Dollar and New Zealand Kiwi, for example. As both currencies are backed by high interest rates, they have benefited equally from the carry trade and as a result, they behave quite similarly. Combined with the fact that they are practically neighbors, it's easy to forget that there are unique circumstances that weigh separately on them.Over the next 12 months, both countries' Central Banks are expected to significantly lower their benchmark interest rates as a result of slowing economic growth. However, as New Zealand does not have a large stock of natural resources to depend on in times of economic turmoil, it is projected to lower rates quite sharply, compared to Australia. Accordingly, the Australian Dollar may represent a buying opportunity against the Kiwi in the near-term. Bloomberg News reports:New Zealand's dollar is likely to fall 8.7 percent to NZ$1.33 versus Australia's by year-end as the nation's economic slowdown accelerates, boosting prospects the RBNZ will lower borrowing costs...according to RBC Capital Markets.

created this page to share my story of how I lost my house, had to file for bankruptcy, and almost lost my entire life savings before I was able to turn it all around. I had so many of my friends and friends of friends asking me how on earth I was able to pull out of such a horrible situation, and then end up retired only 6 months later.I Made 6k On My FIRST Try...It all started back when I was a trader in the days when the market was at its best. (Up to Sept 11th.) I had sold my business and every one I knew was making a ton of money in the stock market. So I put my life savings into the market and turned 200k into about 10k in 6 short months. I lost my house and had to declare bankruptcy. I had always worked for myself before this, but now I had to get a job just to pay the bills. Luckily my wife stuck with me through all of this.After that I had found a decent job in the Denver area, and lived in a fairly nice part of town. I never really got used to having to work for someone else, but in the position I was in I felt like I had no option. I had virtually no money left for my retirement, and it was beginning to dawn on me that I very well might end up working for the rest of my life.Thats when I stumbled across an ad online for a program called Forex Secrets. The program seemed like everything I wish I had years ago, but I was still very skeptical of course. I have paid over 5k for a weekend course before that I took while I was going broke. But I ordered it anyway just to take a look, although I honestly expected to be shipping it back in a week or two.Right off the bat I loved how the system was not just trying to tell me what to trade and when to get in and get out. No, instead it taught me how to actually read the markets, and what to do in various demanding situations. It reminds me of a saying by Tony Robbins, ”John the baker took 20 years to perfect his chocolate cake recipe. But how long will it take you to learn to make the cake if John is willing to teach you?” This system has turned out to be my “John the baker”.I am happy to say that 6 months after beginning Forex Secrets, I left my job and am devoting myself to trading in the Forex as my “full-time” job. Since leaving work in January, I have consistently made more money trading than I would have made working for someone else.I’m excited to report that I am having a very good week this week. Currently I am monitoring and managing some trades that I have had on for 9 days now, and will make a profit of $702,102.00 from these trades alone.This program has totally given me my freedom back, and allowed me to retire just when I thought id be working for the rest of my life. That is why I have written this page. I am deeply indebted to Forex Secrets and I really appreciate the level completeness and quality of the program. You can get more information about the Forex Secrets at

Remittance Buying Selling ChangeUS Dollar TT 72.1 72.5 0US Dollar DD 72.1 72.5 0Currency NotesCanadian Dollar 69.7 70.1 0Euro 112.6 113.6 0Saudi Riyal 19.12 19.22 0U.A.E Dirham 19.55 19.65 0UK Pound Sterling 142.6 143.6 0US Dollar 72.1 72.4 0Forex MarketFor an introduction to the foreign exchange market and online currency trading, see the forex market snapshot. For the basic concepts and terminology used in forex trading, see forex basics , or for a selection of informative

Introduction to Fibonacci trading techniques.

First, a few words about Fibonacci himself…

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